Fruitful Weight Loss

Trendy diets rarely work for permanent weight reduction. That’s why there are so many diet books, and new ones being published every year. Dieters keep trying, but seldom realize permanent weight loss. The problem is that most “diets” are a temporary solution for an ongoing challenge.      The trick to healthy, long-term weight loss… Continue reading Fruitful Weight Loss

What is A Health Coach?

Something has been lost in the ever-increasing trend toward medical specialization. Specialists have the luxury of focusing all their attention on one area of care, allowing them to provide more exceptional treatment. Unfortunately, focus on one specific part of the body or a single illness, and it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture… Continue reading What is A Health Coach?

What is Reiki Healing?

Can energy heal? Reiki practitioners believe it can, if the flow of energy through a body is carefully manipulated and nurtured. Understanding the practice and the philosophy of Reiki means starting with the roots of the word itself.     Rei is Japanese for “universal,” while ki translates to “vital life force.” Reiki was developed,… Continue reading What is Reiki Healing?

What is Ayurveda

Ayurveda—and, specifically, Ayurvedic medicine—is a whole-life approach to wellness. The English translation of the word itself provides insight into the practice: ayur means “life”, and veda “means “knowledge”. The roots of the practice are spiritual, lying within the sacred Indian scriptures called the Vedas.     Focusing on preventative health and natural healing, Ayurvedic practice… Continue reading What is Ayurveda