The LIFE Diet and Migraine Control

The medical community has long known that certain foods—including common items like chocolate, baked goods, and cultured dairy products—can trigger migraines. New research, though, has uncovered specific foods that just might provide some relief for migraine sufferers (even if your migraines are drug-resistant).



A case study published in BMJ Journals discussed a 60-year-old man who suffered as many as twenty-four migraines in any given month. His doctors prescribed medications, none of which reduced the severity or frequency of his headaches. He had also culled his diet of known migraine triggers and had turned to alternative treatments including meditation. Nothing seemed to have much impact.


Joining a study looking at dietary links to migraine reduction, the patient began following the Low Inflammatory Foods Everyday (LIFE) diet. The diet focuses on dark leafy greens and a plant based meal plan, including a 32-ounce green smoothie every day. Within a month, the patient reported a drastic reduction in his symptoms, as the occurrence of his migraines fell to roughly one per month.


The efficacy of an anti-inflammatory focus is not surprising. Research has long established the link between chronic inflammation in the body and serious diseases ranging from heart disease and arthritis, to cancer. Many foods create an inflammatory response, including dietary staples such as red meat, refined sugars, and trans and saturated fats.


While introducing effective anti-inflammatory nutrients, the LIFE diet also minimalizes inflammation triggers like processed carbohydrates and sugar.


This case study illustrates the potential for migraine relief through adopting a plant-based diet and, specifically, consuming the concentrated nutrients in a green smoothie. Give the anti-inflammation focus of the diet, it may also hold promise for impacting and treating other serious diseases.


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