Natural Inflammation Fighters

Inflammation is the body’s response to trauma, whether that takes the form of injury, sickness, or an environmental threat such as a toxin. The condition is a normal part of healing and should be temporary. Unfortunately, a number of factors contribute to widespread chronic and abnormal inflammation among people in today’s world. Chronic inflammation, in… Continue reading Natural Inflammation Fighters

Lowering Body Fat May Lower Cancer Risk

A study by the American Cancer Society has found a startling relationship between body fat and cancer. Researchers discovered that an elevated body mass index (BMI) is linked to approximately 11 percent of cancers in women, and about 5 percent of cancers in men, in the United States. Overall, researchers estimate that high BMI may… Continue reading Lowering Body Fat May Lower Cancer Risk

Anti-Inflammation Diet May Combat Dementia

Medical researchers have long found evidence that inflammation can contribute to diseases from arthritis to cancer. A recent study published in the journal Neurology reveals that fighting inflammation with diet may also reduce the incidence of dementia.     Participants in the Greek study showed markedly less dementia when they followed a diet high in… Continue reading Anti-Inflammation Diet May Combat Dementia