Early Detection for Alzheimer’s

New research suggests a simple clinical interview may be a reliable indicator of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease risk. A study by Florida State University College of Medicine researchers found that a two- to three-hour interview, involving trained interviewers asking memory-testing questions and rating responses on a 1-to-5 scale reliably predicted risk for development of Alzheimer’s… Continue reading Early Detection for Alzheimer’s

The MIND Diet and Cognitive Health

The Mediterranean and DASH diets have been linked to brain-health benefits, so it only made for sense for researchers from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago and the Harvard Chan School of Public in Boston to combine the best of both plans in one, refined diet focused on cognitive improvements and long-term brain health. Created… Continue reading The MIND Diet and Cognitive Health

Anti-Inflammation Diet May Combat Dementia

Medical researchers have long found evidence that inflammation can contribute to diseases from arthritis to cancer. A recent study published in the journal Neurology reveals that fighting inflammation with diet may also reduce the incidence of dementia.     Participants in the Greek study showed markedly less dementia when they followed a diet high in… Continue reading Anti-Inflammation Diet May Combat Dementia