Wellness with Wearables

Technology regularly revolutionizes healthcare. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) gave physicians a remarkable tool to look inside the human body in a far less invasive way. Online video services have allowed homebound patients to interact with their medical providers without making the journey to a doctor’s office.     Health wearables capture that same transformative promise.… Continue reading Wellness with Wearables

Alka Kaminer

Alka Kaminer is a certified yoga teacher specializing in Chair Yoga as developed by Lakshmi Voelker. Alka is also a certified meditation and Reiki energy instructor. She co-founded Present Wisdom Yoga in Armonk, New York, with her husband, Brian. They live in Westchester County, New York, with their three sons.     Q. How were… Continue reading Alka Kaminer


Breathing, how hard could it be? Turns out, harder than you might think. Breathing for maximum benefit is not something most people naturally do. In fact, a great number of us commonly breathe the opposite of what is best for our bodies—raising our shoulders and sucking in our guts on the in-breath, and pressing the… Continue reading Breathwork

Defeating Dry Eye

If you regularly experience itching, burning eyes that are overly sensitive to light and often noticeably red at the end of the day, you are likely dealing with dry eye. Not that’s it any consolation, but you are not alone. According to the American Optometric Association, more than 16 million Americans suffer from dry eye,… Continue reading Defeating Dry Eye

Stop Grinding Your Teeth and Sleep Better

Getting a good night’s sleep is enough of a challenge without our bodies and minds colluding to make it harder. But that’s what happens with nocturnal teeth grinding—medically termed “bruxism.”      Simply put, this the detrimental habit of gnashing, clenching, or grinding your teeth during sleep. The practice is often combined with a waking… Continue reading Stop Grinding Your Teeth and Sleep Better

Saci McDonald

Saci McDonald was a massage therapist in 1989 when she became interested in the healing potential of breathwork. She subsequently served a four-year apprenticeship with Maia Dhyan and, in 1991, began leading breathwork groups in the U.S. and UK. She began her education in Energy Kinesiology (EK) in 1996, earning a certificate from The Kinesiology… Continue reading Saci McDonald

The LIFE Diet and Migraine Control

The medical community has long known that certain foods—including common items like chocolate, baked goods, and cultured dairy products—can trigger migraines. New research, though, has uncovered specific foods that just might provide some relief for migraine sufferers (even if your migraines are drug-resistant).     A case study published in BMJ Journals discussed a 60-year-old… Continue reading The LIFE Diet and Migraine Control

Energy Kinesiology

Understanding what energy kinesiology is involves taking a step back and looking at the word “kinesiology.” Stemming from the Greek word for movement, kinesis, kinesiology is the mechanics  of the body’s movement. Energy kinesiology is a subspecialty that focuses on the movement of energy through the body.     The fundamental theory behind energy kinesiology… Continue reading Energy Kinesiology

Anushree Chhabria

Anushree Chhabria runs her own online counseling practice, Think Out Loud. She holds a law degree from The Hull University in England, specializing in Family Law Counseling, and studied child and adolescent psychology at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. She is a member of the American Psychological Association, The Law Society of England and… Continue reading Anushree Chhabria

Anti-Inflammation Diet May Combat Dementia

Medical researchers have long found evidence that inflammation can contribute to diseases from arthritis to cancer. A recent study published in the journal Neurology reveals that fighting inflammation with diet may also reduce the incidence of dementia.     Participants in the Greek study showed markedly less dementia when they followed a diet high in… Continue reading Anti-Inflammation Diet May Combat Dementia