Exercises to Reduce Aging Fall Risk

Although most of us fear serious diseases if we fear anything about aging, we might be wiser to take potential falls as a more serious issue. Each year, more than 34,000 adults over 65 will die as a result of a fall, making this accidental occurrence the leading cause of death for that demographic.  … Continue reading Exercises to Reduce Aging Fall Risk

EFT Tapping

Never underestimate the power of touch, even when it’s your own hand doing the touching. Emotional freedom technique, known more broadly as EFT tapping, is an alternative wellness treatment meant to address negative and stressful emotional conditions and physical pain.      Working on the same basic principle as acupuncture and acupressure, EFT tapping is… Continue reading EFT Tapping

Red Light Therapy

Light affects health. Consider the ultraviolet light that bombards earth as part of sunlight, and the grave impact it can have on skin health. Of course, the effect can also be positive, as it is with Seasonal Affective Disorder lightbulbs and fixtures. Those can reverse the depression symptoms of individuals who live in parts of… Continue reading Red Light Therapy

Pomegranate’s Cancer-Fighting Potential

The seeds are jewel red, stain everything they touch, and taste absolutely delicious. If that weren’t enough to entice you to the realm of pomegranates, consider the latest research that indicates pomegranate may have a role to play in preventing and fighting colon cancer.     This shouldn’t be surprising. Nutritionists, dietitians, and medical professionals… Continue reading Pomegranate’s Cancer-Fighting Potential

Breathe Better with Nose Breathing

Breathing is the most basic of human body functions. It’s also essential to every other process in the body. Unfortunately, because it’s automatic, we don’t usually consider if we are breathing as efficiently as we should. Turns out that many of us are not.     There are two avenues for taking in air: your… Continue reading Breathe Better with Nose Breathing

Managing Insomnia

What most people consider insomnia is usually just an occasional problem. Clinical insomnia is an ongoing, debilitating condition that often requires medical intervention. At the very least, it would require the attention of a medical expert and a professional diagnosis.     Most of us, however, experience less severe occasional bouts of sleeplessness. Just the… Continue reading Managing Insomnia

Curbing Obsessive Thoughts

You don’t have to be diagnosed with clinical OCD to suffer from obsessive thoughts. In fact, they can range from a simple nuisance that occurs sporadically, to repetitive thoughts that cast a pall of “doom and gloom” over your outlook.     All obsessive thoughts are recurring ideas that often have a negative aspect. A… Continue reading Curbing Obsessive Thoughts

Fruitful Weight Loss

Trendy diets rarely work for permanent weight reduction. That’s why there are so many diet books, and new ones being published every year. Dieters keep trying, but seldom realize permanent weight loss. The problem is that most “diets” are a temporary solution for an ongoing challenge.      The trick to healthy, long-term weight loss… Continue reading Fruitful Weight Loss

Slow Skin Aging

Aging is inevitable (consider the alternative!), but heavily wrinkled and spotted skin is not. Although we will all experience some wrinkles as we age, you can limit them—and other marks of age—with a few lifestyle practices. First, though, it’s important to understand why skin wrinkles and sags as we grow older.     Over time,… Continue reading Slow Skin Aging

The Dangers of Night Noshing

It’s two hours after dinner and you’re feeling hungry. You’re not alone. Nighttime snacking is common, and even more so for people who are stressed, or in the habit of eating after dark. Unfortunately, that 8 pm bowl of ice cream, handful of chips, or leftover sandwich half is likely making it difficult to maintain… Continue reading The Dangers of Night Noshing