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CBD Labeling Inaccuracies

The potential health benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) continue to be researched and hyped in equal measure. CBD has shown promise as an anti-inflammatory, pain fighter,

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Early Detection for Alzheimer’s

New research suggests a simple clinical interview may be a reliable indicator of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease risk. A

The Wisdom of Second Opinions

Doctors are expected to be definitive. Patients want to know that any diagnosis or prescription is absolutely correct. Unfortunately,

Dry Brushing

It’s rare to find a holistic health practice that delivers both aesthetic and preventative benefits. Dry brushing is just

Natural Inflammation Fighters

Inflammation is the body’s response to trauma, whether that takes the form of injury, sickness, or an environmental threat

Gua Sha

Traditional Chinese medicine offers a number of alternatives to pharmaceutical pain killers, primarily because those drugs weren’t available for

Essential Health Tests by Decade

People in their teens and twenties tend to play fast and loose with their health. Fortunately, the human body